sma kolese gonzaga jakarta bahasa Inggris
- kolese: college
- gonzaga: gonzaga, lombardy
- jakarta: jakarta; jakartan; dki jakarta; djakarta; capital
- sma kolese loyola semarang: kolese loyola
- sma kolese de britto yogyakarta: de britto high school yogyakarta
- sma negeri 31 jakarta: 31 senior high school jakarta
- sma katolik kolese santo yusup malang: saint joseph's school, malang
- alumni sma negeri 8 jakarta: sma negeri 8 jakarta alumni
- sma kristen 1 penabur jakarta: smuk 1 jakarta
- eleonora gonzaga: eleonora gonzaga (1598–1655)
- gonzaga, italia: gonzaga, lombardy
- wangsa gonzaga: house of gonzaga
- sma mbarara: mbarara high school
- sma trinitas: trinitas senior high school
- kolese hansraj: hansraj college
- Two of them were as Gonzaga graduates, Fr.Fajar,SJ and Fr.Windar,SJ. One of the new Jesuit ( Fr.Vico,SJ ) will be assigned at Gonzaga College. ..Wellcome Fr.Vico…
Dalam tugas perutusan para Jesuit baru, Pater Provinsial menugaskan Pater Vico Christiawan, SJ untuk bertugas di SMA Kolese Gonzaga Jakarta.